by rinagoldfield Tue May 28, 2013 10:35 am
Hey Magnusgan.
This kind of local-inference question demands that the reader go back to the text itself. The author states that "recent books" provide "context" for folklore. These books describe the "biographies" and "cultural backgrounds" of folk artists (lines 35, 41).
(D) is supported. These books " [answer] questions about what folklore means to the people who use it" by describing folk artists’ lives and cultures (lines 51-52). This matches (D)’s description of the "environment and circumstances" in which folklore is used.
(A) is unsupported. I can see why (A) seems tempting with its description of a "holistic assessment." However, there’s no indication that "context" signifies an absence of a "critical analysis of [folklore’s] parts." On the contrary, these books offer detailed views of folk artists’ lives and works (lines 37-40). We know that some of these books engage in repertoire analysis (38-39, 46-47), and biography is a "part" of our understanding of folklore.
(B) is unsupported. There’s nothing about relying on earlier interpretations.
(C) is unsupported. The books are largely biographies, not detailed reads of folk art.
(E) is unsupported. The "context" here is not a literal setting.
Hope that helps.