I am going to run through the logical structure of this stuff to practice.
Most voters → Support conservative candidates
Most voters → Support antipollution candidates
Most voters → Support conservative + antipollution candidates
As Timmy noted, we can absolutely conclude that there are
some voters that support candidates who are both conservative
and antipollution. However, we absolutely cannot conclude that
most voters support candidates who are both conservative
and antipollution. In other words, the argument is assuming that there is a sufficient amount of overlap to conclude "most" when there may not be.
(A) Bill: (Tilled when too wet) → (Soil can be damaged)
Sue: (Planted when too wet) → (Seeds can rot)
⊢ (Till and Plant when too wet) → (Damage both soil and seeds)
This, to me, seems perfectly valid. However, in order to eliminate (A) quickly, we can probably just understand that the conclusion has nothing to do with concluding something about a "majority" from evidence about two "majorities." I eliminated this quickly through such reasoning.
(B)Most children → Like pies
Most children → Like blueberries
Most children → Like blueberry pies
This matches the flawed reasoning. We can absolutely conclude that some children like pies with blueberries but we have no idea if there is a sufficient overlap to conclude that most children like blueberry pies. Maybe there are 100 kids and 51 like blueberries, another 51 likes pies, and so only 1 kid likes blueberry pies.
(C) Susan goes → Mark goes → ~Rain
⊢ Susan goes & Mark goes
We only know what happens if it DOES rain, not what happens when it DOESN'T. This argument is confusing the sufficient with the necessary.
(D) This cannot be right because it doesn't separate the two things that are "most." If it would have said "most" people order X and "most" people order Y, then perhaps it would have been a better match (with a different conclusion). However, absolutely nothing matches here.
(E)Most inhabitants → Cook well
Most inhabitants → enjoy eating well-cooked meals
Most meals → Cooked well
This was very close! However, the problem is that the conclusion doesn't match. If the conclusion would have said, "Therefore, most inhabitants cook well and enjoy eating well-cooked meals." However, we know nothing about the actual meals themselves.