by ohthatpatrick Tue Jan 09, 2018 12:59 am
In any game where you make frames, a conditional question's condition (like "H is on the 2nd day") might be possible in only one frame or in two frames or in even more, if there were more.
Your first job in reading the IF-condition is to ask yourself, "Well ... could that go down in ANY of my frames or is that condition limiting me to a certain frame(s)?"
This is a COULD BE TRUE question, so any answer choice that is possible is right. It doesn't matter whether it's possible in only one frame or more than one frame.
I think maybe your question is, "Could I have gotten myself into trouble by only looking at one frame?"
Definitely not. But that's because this is "could be true" and because you found a scenario that worked.
If you had tested H = 2nd day on your first frame, and none of the answer choices were possible, then you'd try H = 2nd day on your next frame and see if anything worked.
If you were doing a MUST BE TRUE (i.e. "ALWAYS true") question, then you'd have to make sure that any answer choice you were picking was applicable in ALL your frames.