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by bradleygirard Sun May 23, 2010 4:34 pm

I can easily eliminate (B),(C),and (D) from the answer choices, but I do not find (A) so easy to eliminate, nor do I understand how (E) is the correct answer. I know that (A) doesn't have exact textual grounding, and is not the strongest answer, through POE that is what I ended up with. I lingered over (E) for quite some time, but could not find any textual evidence for the dance 'bolstering' social identities. What I found was something similar, but it seemed like a trick to me. The last paragraph says that certain groups used the dance as a way of celebrating their new-found social rank, but I can find no implication anywhere that it bolstered the identity. Can anyone give me a hand with this? Thanks.
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Atticus Finch
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Re: PT54, S1, Q17 - It can be inferred...

by bbirdwell Mon May 24, 2010 10:01 am

Sounds like you're thinking too hard about this one. You say you got down to (A), which had "not textual grounding," and (E), which had textual grounding but you "thought it was a trick?"

In that situation, choose the one with textual support!! And stop thinking about "tricks!"

(A) is wrong for a very common reason -- no mention is made of how often satiric art forms in general cross divisions. Only the specific mention of this one dance is made in the text. Eliminate!

(E) exactly the lines you quoted. Remember the question is "most likely to agree." It's quite reasonable to infer that the author, who said "celebrate newfound social rank" would agree that this was "bolstering social identity."
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