by tommywallach Tue Apr 23, 2013 2:21 am
Hey Khaleesi,
So, there is good news about these one-word questions. Usually, they revolve purely around the correct definitions of the words, as opposed to any kind of super-trickiness.
The question asks us which word is relevant to the author's concern about authenticity.
The word ostensible literally means "stating or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so". So, by definition, this word has to do with whether something is true (i.e. authentic).
As for the word integrity, let's look at that sentence:
"Blassingame has taken pains to show that editors of several of the more famous antebellum slave narratives were "noted for their integrity" and thus were unlikely to distort the facts given them by slave narrators."
In this case, the word integrity does not express concern over authenticity; in fact, if anything, it would support the idea that authenticity wasn't an issue (because the editor wasn't distorting the facts).
Hope that helps!