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Vinny Gambini
Vinny Gambini
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by nnamdi.nwaezeapu Sun Jan 18, 2015 10:17 pm

Is D correct because it is the only one that addresses both clinical equipose (CE) and theoretical equipose (TE)?

A is wrong because it doesn't discuss CE and TE, and the passage doesn't say that theoretical equipose will make it more likely that physicians will fail their ethical requirement.

B is wrong because it doesn't discuss CE and TE, and the passage isn't arguing that clinical trials can achieve more with clinical equipose, it is just that clinical equipose doesn't unnecessarily restrict the trials.

C is wrong because, while it is supported by the text, does not discuss CE and TE, and thus does not get at the main point.

E is wrong because, while it is supported by the text, does not discuss CE, and thus doesn't get at the main point.
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Atticus Finch
Atticus Finch
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Re: Q18

by rinagoldfield Mon Jan 26, 2015 7:27 pm

Excellent assessment nnamdi.nwaezeapu! You are right that the correct answer will deal with both sides of the argument, which in this case are TE and CE. Only choice (D) does so.

Your take of all of the answer choices is astute and accurate.
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Elle Woods
Elle Woods
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Re: Q18

by mornincounselor Mon Sep 07, 2015 11:26 am

A is unsupported.
B is supported but not the main point.
C is true, but not the main point.
D is supported, and telling us this point is the very reason the author is writing, i.e. this is the main point.
E is supported but it is not the main point.