Premises: mild winter leads to... many bird species not migrating (so limiting the usual attrition) and fewer birds visiting bird feeders
Conclusion: last year's mild winter is the reason for larger-than-usual bird population
Strategy: Find an answer that strengthens the conclusion, either an answer that rules out an alternative reason for the larger-than-usual bird population or an answer that gives an example of the effects of mild winter being the reason for the larger-than-usual bird population (in this question, it is the latter)
A) Irrelevant. This does not strengthen the conclusion in any way (nothing about the mild winter being a causal factor), just stating a phenomena that the stimulus already observed
B) Too broad. Not sure how mating behaviors affects the population and even if it does somehow increase the population in some instances, we're not entirely sure that the mating changes cannot decrease the population instead.
D) Opposite. If the birds that remain in summer range exhaust the food supply, shouldn't this have a negative impact on the population size?
E) Irrelevant. This answer just states a fact about birds visiting feeders even when there is sufficient food via foraging but this does nothing to explain how mild winters affect bird populations. When I read this answer I couldn't but think in my head "cool story bro

C) is the correct answer because it is the only one that hints at anything relating to a causal factor between mild winters and bird populations. The premise states that because mild winters allow birds to forage naturally, so they go to bird feeders less. This would therefore result in less deaths if C) was true (since they won't be killed by predators) resulting in a larger-than-usual bird population.
Hope this helps!