I think what bothers me is...
I'm not sure how many different kinds of water bugs there are.
It says "two generations" so I thought there are 2 different kinds of them, which means spring and summer ones. But then it says "the summer (early) generation"...does this mean there are summer (late) generation too and those have different features from the early generations? Then it's actually 3 different species there?
Are they the spring generation (macro wings) and summer generation (micro and macro wings)?
In my understanding at first...there are spring ones which "wings are absolutely necessary for this seasonal dispersal" so this, I think justifies E because they say macropterous wings are normal functional wings and those spring generations would have those wings...(though I don't know why they say "a much greater" instead of "must"), and summer ones include both micro and macropterous wings species and this is what A refers.
Also in the passage it says "Developmental responses are permanent and irreversible" and "it is not genetically determined" and from the 2nd paragraph it seems they develop different wings according to their environment (So they can develop macropterous wings when the pond dries up and survive) but then it says the wing form is determined by temperature...
I'm so confused...if temperature affetcs eggs, doesn't that mean it affects their genetics in some way? Or do they refer to temperature as developmental response? So when the pond dries up they do not change the wing forms, but only those with macro wings survive??
And about vocab...in my dictionary it says hatch means breaks egg and come out from it, and reproduce=lay=breed which means give birth...so make egg correct?
And also I'd like to double one thing,
So put aside my previous question here and suppose there are only 2 generations...there appears spring and summer generations alternately right? After spring generation, then summer one, and then spring one...etc. correct?
But Spring generation produces 2 types of eggs, which make 2 different summer generations...with macro and micro wings.
So to sum it up, in my understanding...
Summer generation: Starting from L22, it is the 1st generation which hatches in spring, reproduces in summer.
Since it reproduces in summer and the egg forms in late summer, the egg is exposed to warm temperature so the bugs in the egg would have macro wings.
This is the generation which produces spring (2nd generation) bugs.
There are 2 types of summer generation; with micro or macro wings. (Do they act the same? such as when they produce spring bugs??)
Spring generation: They are 2nd generation which is also called as overwintering generation. They breed in spring (L26). They spend winter and have macro wings. Although they breed in spring, they actually form eggs in different time (I think this is when I confused a lot...does form mean different from breed? Or reproduce??); either in early fall or early spring. Those eggs formed in fall are exposed to cold temp. so those would have micro wings, and those eggs formed in spring exposed to warm temp and would have macro wings.
Is my understanding correct?
The passage seems moves back and forth, so it’s confusing...also the vocab...seems like breed≠form? and a lot similar words...
Sorry for the long sentences...I didn't mean to write this long when I decided to ask a question about this. This passage bothers me so much.
Thank you.