Question Type:
ID the Agreement
Stimulus Breakdown:
J: Companies have released anti-bact household cleaning products. People wanting to minimize bacteria in their house should use anti-bact cleaning products.
K: Using anti-bact cleaning products can be harmful, because they eventually breed super-bacteria. So we should not have anti-bact cleaning products.
Answer Anticipation:
Overall, these two mostly DISagree, so we have to look for some point of consensus. They both agree with Jake's first claim, that anti-bact products do exist. They definitely disagree with J's second claim. Hard to anticipate how they'd phrase a correct answer, so let's just try to find something we think we could infer from both parties' statements.
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) This seems reasonable. If J didn't believe this, he wouldn't recommend them for people trying to minimize bacteria. If K didn't believe this, she wouldn't have distinguished the "super bacteria" that SURVIVE the use of these products from other bacteria.
(B) Neither person talks about "dirt".
(C) J never talks about this.
(D) Neither person implied this, even though J did mention the existence of some people for whom household bact are a concern.
(E) They completely disagree on this point.
Takeaway/Pattern: The hardest part of this problem is making sure we notice the word 'agree' in the question stem, since 90% or more of these are asking "How do they DISagree?", making (E) the obvious bait.