Question Type:
ID the Disagreement
Stimulus Breakdown:
Price: A corp's primary concern is its shareholders, since THEY have the most at stake (they lose their investment if company goes broke).
Albrecht: Shareholders rarely invest in only one company (so they can probably afford to lose their investment in ONE failed company). Meanwhile, employees usually only have one job/career, so the corporation's primary responsibility should be to them.
Answer Anticipation:
It's easy to prephrase this disagreement as "Is a corporation's primary responsibility to its shareholders or to its employees"? Because this is only Q2 in the section, maybe they'll let it be that easy, but typically if the disagreement is THIS explicit, the correct answer will find a way to rank the reasons why each person arrived at a different conclusion against each other. So a trickier answer might be "a corporation needs to care more about losing investors' money than it does about losing the very livelihood of its employees".
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) Both parties would probably agree to this. The disagreement is about who matters MORE, not who matters.
(B) Both parties would probably agree to this. The disagreement is about who matters MORE, not who matters.
(C) Neither person talks about how an investor would recoup losses after bankruptcy.
(D) "MORE at stake" looks like the head to head language we're after: shareholders or employees? Which one is the primary responsibility? Which one is MORE important? Price would presumably say "YES" to (D) and Albrecht would presumably say "NO".
(E) Neither person said this.
Takeaway/Pattern: (D) is an interesting answer since it's a little bit off the page. It's definitely the closest idea we get to "who matters more: shareholders or employees?" The idea of "more AT STAKE" is a bit new, but it's within the realm of common sense to understand two arguments speaking to that idea.