This is a specific reference question. For questions that ask you to refer back to a line to reiterate the purpose, you want to look at the sentence that came right before it. I'd like to thank a fellow LSAT geek who taught me this wonderful trick, I forget the name though.
If you were able to understand that the last paragraph is about how to carry out that alternative, fire management method the author is rooting for, this question should be relatively easy for you. We are also told in the sentence before "maintenance burns" appears, that "intentional lighting of controlled burns...reduce the risk of extensive damage." This practice is carried out by fuel, also mentioned in the third paragraph.
(E) is correct because it states just that: "naturally or intentionally set fires that are allowed to burn to eliminate fuel"
(A) The ancient ponderosa forests were used as an example in the first paragraph to show the dependency of forests on naturally occurring fires. This is out.
(B) Is maintenance referring to reducing the population of trees? No! And we're trying to reduce the risk of damage, not burning more trees down.
(C) This is the opposite of what maintenance burns are. This describes lines 1-3.
(D) No, because line 55 states that maintenance burns at 15- to 20-year intervals are needed.