Question Type:
Stimulus Breakdown:
P: The time period in which we found the earliest evidence of music is probably the time period where music was developed.
G: This time period used a particularly hardy material to construct instruments.
Answer Anticipation:
When you have two speakers in a Procedure question, it's important to start by seeing if they dis/agree on the premises and conclusion. G doesn't disagree with P's premise, just his conclusion. G does so by bringing up a new fact that adds context calling the jump from the premise to the conclusion (i.e., the assumption) into question - it may be the first we've discovered, but it might not be the first because bone lasts longer.
Correct answer:
Answer choice analysis:
(A) This would be a leave-and-circle-back answer, but it'd survive the first pass because we know G thinks the bone flute isn't definitive in this case since other instruments could have degraded. After checking the other answers, this would be my selection.
(B) G questions whether the bone flute is the first musical instrument, not whether it's the first one we have evidence for.
(C) P's conclusion isn't particularly general. Also, G doesn't bring up a counterexample (that would be earlier evidence of music).
(D) G doesn't make a parallel argument; she introduces a new consideration calling the connection between P's premise and conclusion into question. This answer refers to a reductio ad absurdum - look it up!
(E) G doesn't draw a conclusion, and she also uses new evidence, not P's evidence.
On a two-speaker Procedure question, start by seeing if the two speakers dis/agree on the premises and conclusion.