Could someone explain to me why (B) is the correct answer?
Here is my thought process:
I first picked (E) when solving this whole section timed, and when I went to solve it the second time very carefully (untimed and before looking at answer sheet)), I picked (A).
The reason I eliminated (E) was because the author does not "assume that high-tech equipment cannot contribute to increases in productivity" but rather just that high productivity is not dependent on having high-tech equipment. So the author could still believe that it contributes to it, but just isn't dependent on it.
I chose (A) the second time -- although I still wasn't sure what (A) was even talking about (I just thought it had something to do with sufficient/necessary since the argument had something about the word "depend" which is a necessary condition.. and none of the other answers seemed attractive to me).
The argument core to me looks like this:
Because high productivity cannot be achieved without adequate training of workers, high productivity doesn't depend on having high-tech equipment.
The "flaw" that popped out at me immediately was that the author was ignoring the idea that high-tech equipment could still be another necessary factor for high productivity. It seemed like the author was just assuming that adequate training of workers and having high-tech equipment couldn't both contribute to high productivity. So I was looking for an answer choice something like, "ignores the possibility that having high-tech equipment is another necessary factor for high productivity".
What I don't understand is how (B) is a flaw of the argument. Why does the author HAVE to take into consideration the possibility that having high-tech equipment is required for adequate training of workers? If we are linking the two random variables "adequate training of workers" and "high-tech equipment" because it is a mismatch or something, why do we have to do this? And if this is the case, for flaw questions, are we looking for an answer that addresses both terms (one from premise and the other from conclusion)?