20. (A)
Question Type: Synthesis (1-5, 30-34, 41-44, 50-58)
Main point questions require us to synthesize information from different parts of the passage and come to a greater understanding. Answer choice A does this effectively. The problem that the passage confronts is the rehabilitation of land damaged by agricultural overproduction. The two-pronged strategy is mentioned in the final paragraph. The goal is to restore a natural balance of microorganisms by reintroducing native plant seeds as well as beneficial microorganisms. Answer (A) expresses this synthesis.
(B) is an unsupported interpretation. It seems like it may be true, however the passage never tells us the length of time and the amount of effort that is required to restore plant diversity to overused farmland in general. Just because we’re told (i) damaged ecological systems will slowly heal themselves and (ii) the results of the study after a 3-year observation period, does not mean that all efforts to restore plant diversity require many years and lots of effort. We’re told that that the quickest way (removing and replacing the topsoil) to restore heavily fertilized land is impractical on a large scale. That method might in fact be speedy and relatively painless on a small scale. Further, even if (B) were true it’s too narrow in scope to be the overall main point of the passage. The passage focuses on the problem, the study, and the study’s results, rather than the length of time and amount of effort that is required to restore plant diversity.
(C) is an unsupported interpretation. Again, it seems like it may be true, however the passage does not actually argue for modification of current agricultural processes, but rather says that the current processes are problematic and provides a study that suggests a method for tackling the problem.
(D) is possibly true, as we can see from lines 15-17, but again its scope is too narrow and we are told that this is a general belief rather than a certainty.
(E) is too narrow in its scope. This answer choice doesn’t synthesize the central idea of the passage, but rather focuses on two specific concepts contained in passage.