PT65, S1, Q21 (Necessary Assumption)
(D) is correct.
This is a Necessary Assumption question. This conclusion isn’t too difficult to find, since it appears at the end of the stimulus and includes "therefore" to guide us there: therefore, these incentives are helping to hasten global warming.
Before moving on to the premise(s), we might ask ourselves _ "which incentives?" It is not uncommon for conclusions to include borrowed language like this. Sometimes, we have to go back to other parts of the stimulus in order to truly understand the conclusion. In this case "these incentives" refers to incentives for farmers to plant trees on their land.
Next, we might ask "why does the author think these incentives are hastening global warming?" This would lead us to the main premise: "trees absorb and store carbon dioxide less effectively than native grasses". We have found our argument core:
Trees Absorb And Store Carbon Dioxide Less Effectively Than Native Grasses -> Tree-Planting Incentives Help To Hasten Global Warming
What are some of the necessary assumptions made by this argument? Doesn’t it seem odd that they conclude planting trees hastens global warming? They conclude this because there is a more effective strategy to absorb and store carbon dioxide _ native grasses. Therefore, a necessary assumption of this argument is that if we do not use the most effective strategy for lessening a problem, we accelerate the problem. This is quite the assumption to make. Another necessary assumption is that the more effective strategy is a viable option. In other words, the most effective strategy (native grasses) must be something we can actually do in practice; otherwise the less effective alternative wouldn’t hasten the problem.
The correct answer may be an assumption we have identified, or it may be something we haven't considered. It is important to remember, however, that the assumption we are looking for is a necessary assumption. It may not completely close the gap, but it is required by the argument, thus the Negation Test may aid us in finding the correct answer choice.
(A) is incorrect. Although this could help us reach our conclusion, it is not required.
(B) is incorrect. First, we are only talking about "many farmers" not "most farmers". Second, it doesn’t matter what the farmers would do without the incentive. In this argument the incentive exists! Eliminate!
(C) is irrelevant. Land that has been deforested? There is no mention of deforestation in our argument. This is definitely not required.
(E) is incorrect. It doesn’t matter whether governments are interested in promoting the more effective strategy (growth of native grasses).
(D) is correct. Notice that if (D) were NOT true, the argument would fall apart _ "NONE of the trees planted in response to the incentives are planted where native grasses would otherwise be growing". Then why would we care about trees vs. native grasses? This is the second assumption we identified, and is required by the argument.