CarolineL560 Wrote:Can someone elaborate on why D is correct? "Less profitable" seemed out of scope to me; The position seemed more concern with the intrinsic benefits of opposing software patents like innovation and maintaining open source free software, not the instrumental benefits, like profits. It seemed to me that D could be correct and not cast doubt on the position that software patents impede innovation. Are we to make the leap that IF it could not be patented --> innovation less profitable --> No one would innovate without that monetary incentive --> patents actually increase software innovation??
I wasn't happy with any of them but eliminated D and went with C, thinking that supporting their vendors that opposed these patents was a reason for choosing this position and if it turned out they did so for other reasons unrelated to the fact that the patents impede innovation, then that would "cast doubt". Thoughts, anyone?
C is wrong because saying "some" vendors oppose software patents for self-interest does not eliminate the possibility that "some" vendors oppose software patents because they impede innovation. Doesn't weaken because you still have vendors who oppose software patents for impeding innovation. Also, it attacks the motives of those vendors. However, those vendors can still oppose for self-interested reasons AND oppose because software patents impede innovation.
I also didn't like D because I thought "profitability" was out of scope. However, D gives us another reason why patents may help innovation. D is saying "If no software patents, then innovation would be less profitable." If there's less profit, that might incentivize companies to innovate less. So, lack of software patents might impede innovation.
I do think you have to make a "common sense" jump on this answer choice.