Hi, can anyone explain why the answer to Q21 is D? I really struggled with this one for some reason.
pss3544 Wrote:I chose B because you negate it the argument will be substantially weakened -- if most nonwinners also get media attention, the misleading effect of winner's media attention can be reduced. Any thoughts?
noah Wrote:Good question. First off, let's take a step back from the tricky wording and focus on what (C) is about: (C) tells us that media attention is the thing responsible for overestimating their chances of winning. It's not necessary that the media is the only thing responsible. What if there were something else, such as greed, that keeps folks overestimating their chances? Who cares - the media might have an effect as well.
More formally, the negation of (C) is that if it weren't for the media, not most people - i.e. less than half - wouldn't overestimate their chances. More clearly: if no media, then less than half wouldn't overestimate.
Since the conclusion uses a vague "many" there isn't a chance this negation is going to destroy the argument. Who cares if losing the media would only keep 45% from overestimating?
Tricky wording!