by ohthatpatrick Sun Feb 17, 2013 6:57 pm
This was a really difficult problem, based on how far the answer choices strayed from the original.
Your central concern with (B) was that it presents a mutually exclusive option, while the original didn't seem to, so let's discuss that first.
The original says that they are forced to choose between X and Y.
You can't choose both with that sort of language.
Of course, what makes that harder to realize is that the choices are
- classical only
- classical + some airtime to other genres
Those are binary choices. If you devote some airtime to popular genres, you are no longer classical only.
But, it's easy to think of this choice as being non-mutually exclusive if we incorrectly hear "classical, popular, or a mix of the two" as the actual decision.
Now let's talk about how we might break down the logic of the original argument.
i. We must choose between X and Y
ii. If we choose Y, situation Z results.
iii. Situation Z is unacceptable.
Conc: Thus, we should choose X.
Here, X and Y were "include popular genres" and "classical only".
Situation Z was "our station risks going out of business".
Going through the answers, I would be looking for a few signature ingredients:
We must make a choice between two options. We need a conditional statement about one of those options that results in something unacceptable. The conclusion must select the other option.
(A) The conclusion for (A) makes it a non-starter. (A)'s conclusion is a conditional statement. The original's conclusion was not.
(B) This has our choice, our conditional statement about one of those options, our notion that the outcome of that conditional is not acceptable, and the conclusion that we should pick the other choice.
(C) This is wrong because the initial choice is X, Y, or both. Furthermore, there's no conditional statement.
(D) We have a choice to be made. We have a conditional statement about one of the choices. What we DON'T have is a statement that says the outcome of that conditional statement is unacceptable. Finally, the conclusion says we should choose some third option (blinds), when the original two options were "buying more fabric" and "making valances".
(E) This is pretty close, but again, it has a conditional statement as a conclusion. The original did not.
Hope this helps.