Question Type:
Stimulus Breakdown:
A mini T-Rex-looking dinosaur was found. Therefore, the T. rex's weird proportions can't have developed to accommodate the dino's size.
Answer Anticipation:
Since the argument relies on the two dinosaurs being similar, questions that would elicit responses allow us to compare the two would be most helpful.
Correct answer:
Answer choice analysis:
(A) Out of scope. While this answer would speak to a similarity between the two dinosaurs, the body size wasn't a relevant factor in the argument. Also, "the same" is a bit too extreme—if it were similar, the argument might still hold weight.
(B) Bingo. If the new dinosaur was a baby, then it could grow to be T. rex-sized, and the initial hypothesis might stand. If it was fully grown, then the argument is a good one and the initial hypothesis should be rejected.
(C) Out of scope. Other, more massive dinosaurs are irrelevant to whether this comparison tells us something about the T. rex.
(D) Out of scope. The relationship between the two species doesn't determine the physics and biology of how things work.
(E) That'd be a sight to see! But, again, they could prey on different animals but still have the same body-proportion issues.
Arguments that rely on comparisons generally have answers that provide information about similarities/differences. However, be careful that you're picking an answer with a relevant similarity or difference