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Vinny Gambini
Vinny Gambini
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by lolandrew321 Sun Aug 21, 2016 11:14 pm

Can anyone explain why the correct answer is B?

Passage A obviously talks about how to avoid bias in their scholarship, by being a neutral judge, but Passage B doesn't state anything about how to be not bias, it just states historians should be bias based on facts, thus it doesn't answer the question "What must historians do in order to avoid bias in their scholarship".
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Atticus Finch
Atticus Finch
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Re: Q22

by ohthatpatrick Wed Aug 24, 2016 7:14 pm

Question Type:
ID Information

Answer expected in lines/paragraph:
Since the question stem doesn't say "PRIMARILY concerned" with answering which of the following questions, this doesn't NEED to be about either author's primary purpose, but the answer is often near that. Psg A was mainly descriptive, but the bigger ideas come in lines 1-2 and lines 16-18. Psg B's main point was started in lines 33-35 and finished in 57-60.

Any prephrase?
Essentially, we should prephrase this by asking, "Where did the passages overlap?" The most apparent overlap here was about whether historians are, or should be, objective. But ultimately any answer choice for which we can find an answer in both passages will work.

Correct answer:

Answer choice analysis:

A) "Most serious flaws" in "recent" scholarship out of scope in both.

B) In psg A, this comes in 22-26. In psg B, we see it in 27-32.

C) Neither author tells the origin story of objectivity.

D) Psg A certainly never discusses the soundness of any scholarship, especially relativist ones. Psg B never uses the term relativist.

E) This has buzzwords from Psg A, but nothing about this was discussed in Psg B. However, not even Psg A provides an answer for "why" they change.

Takeaway/Pattern: This ended up testing a more subsidiary detail. Again, don't fool yourself into assuming this question is asking, "what are both passages PRIMARILY concerned with?" That's a main point/purpose question. This one doesn't NEED to ask an "important" question to be right. Also, we don't need the word "bias" in Psg B for this answer choice to be supported. Bias = non-objective = propaganda
