by aescano209 Mon Sep 07, 2015 12:37 pm
Hey I know this is kind of an old thread, but I just wanted to try to respond to a couple poster's previous responses for future readers.
To Esultana's question, before we understand why E is wrong we have to really understand where the author stands in this passage. The author's attitude toward Noguchi is pretty postive. He finds that Noguchi's use of the reflective surfaces to be unique, in that he thinks it is original or impressive in a sense. If we were to state E in that Noguchi didn't think of himself as either a scientist nor having scientific training, does this really weaken this argument. Let's think about that. Would Noguchi's thoughts of himself saying "Man... I'm really not a scientist nor do I have the training." weaken the author's stance on how original Noguchi is? No, Noguchi can just be really humble, but it still doesn't cast doubt on the original main idea of the author, that being that Noguchi is original. Essentially, the author's conclusion still stands. You want to try to think of the strengthen/weaken questions as that from LR. It really helps to break down the core such as, what is the author's main conclusion, or what is the author's for this stance.
To hyewonkim89, remember as previously stated the author's praise of Noguchi is the idea that his new sculpture is original. Notice that in the 2nd paragraph that it never really tells of Brancusi using the chrome-steel as a reflective surface. If at all, when I read through the passage I was under the assumption that Brancusi hadn't used the material at all, but again this is an assumption I made which isn't always warranted on the LSAT. But this answer choice says that Brancusi actually used some type of material with the use of postive light sculptures. In paragraph two it shows that no one really ever used that material and really that most people used the negative light technique. Remember, Noguchi was polishing the materials used by Broncusi alluding to the idea that he actually didn't use reflective technique. If in fact, as answer choice A chooses to point out, that Brancusi actually used this technique then maybe Noguchi didn't actually come up with it originally. This would weaken the author's main point/purpose of the passage, which is that Noguchi is original for his new style/technique. That, to my opinion, is what made A stand out.
For these questions, I always like to go through the answer choices and put a tilda next to the answer choices that seem plausible and those that are definitely unsupported by the passage. After that, I always make sure to restate the argument in my head and attack the details of the answer choices that are left, just as I would for LR which helps. Also, another thing to keep in mind is be careful with reading comprehension. I have noticed time after time that answer choices that are appealing and somewhat sound like they are in the passage are actually distortions of things said in the passage. For myself I always go back where the words or phrases are used and double check for what the answer choice is stating. If it has distorted the use of the words/phrases and it is not inferable, I eliminate. Hope this helps someone in the future.