by ohthatpatrick Tue Jan 01, 2019 3:46 pm
When we scan the passage for keywords like "human embryo" and "polarity is established", we find it in lines 39-42.
Re-reading that sentence, it says that polarity develops in human embryos "much later"? LATER than what?
The previous sentence must include some reference point. The previous sentence, 35-39, is talking about when frogs establish polarity.
So taken together, it said that human embyros develop polarity much later than simple vertebrates such as frogs. It also says that human embryos only develop polarity after many stages of cell division, again as a contrast to how frogs (and earlier fruit flies) develop polarity.
That's how we support (A).
(B) is contradicted by the same text
(C) p-granules is how nematodes do it
(D) is contradicted by that same text
(E) is contradicted by that same text