Thanks for posting,
I think that you are expressing the same confusion that a few other posters had above, actually!
magic.imango Wrote:Here is my confusion (and this runs counter to what I've read on this thread): It seems to me like the author is assuming that there is not an overlap. Because there isn't an overlap between the 26% and 16% group, there is no minimum of 30% that is needed for long-term viability. Hence the conclusion that the party is unlikely to be viable.
Consequently, I was looking for the negated version of (E); that the author fails to consider that some of the people who would donate would be prepared to join (and thus bring about the minimum of 30% support).
Let's explore this a little. If there was NOT an overlap between the 16% donators, and the 26% joiners, what would that mean? These groups would be completely separate. We'd have 26% of one kind of support, and 16% of a different type of support. Remember that we didn't need 30% of ONE group of support, we just needed 30% of people do support in some way! If we had two separate groups, one of 26% and the other of 16%, with NO overlap, that would mean we'd have a TOTAL of 42% of people supporting in some way! The author cannot possibly be assuming this, since this would destroy his conclusion completely!
But what if there were a complete overlap? What if those 16% donators are all already in the 26% joiners group? Then we'd only have 26% of people supporting - some of those people would support in multiple ways, but there would still only be 26% total support. Check out the diagrams below.
I think,
magic.imango, that you're trying to use the idea of overlap to
change the numbers of the groups - in other words, you're thinking that if they do overlap, that you can say that the 16% donators NOW ADD to the joiners group, making the joiners group bigger than 26%. You can't do that! The joiners group can never be bigger than 26%, ever, no matter what, whether it includes donators or not! And the donator group can never be more than 16%, ever, whether it includes the joiners or not!
The second mistake that you're making is thinking that ONE of the groups needs to be over 30% to hit 'viable in the long run' status - that's not true. We need TOTAL support to be above 30%, but it doesn't all have to come from a single group (nor could it, since the 16% and 26% cannot change).
Does that help clear things up a bit?
As for your question,
deedubbew - this is a great example of
hairsplitting, when we get caught up in a superficial difference in wording that has no real, functional meaning difference. When the LSAT shifts scope, it does so with things that are
easy to miss, but are undeniably different in meaning when we investigate. You might argue that "prepared to join" shows a teensy bit more immediate-readiness than does "would like to join", but this difference is so small and so debatable, that I wouldn't want to rest my life on it.
You should also ask yourself "is it reasonable that the LSAT might have meant these two phrases to mean the same thing?" In this case, we have a very strong signal that the LSAT
does intend them to mean the same thing - each phrase appears in the descriptions of the groups: 26% "would like to" join, while 16% "would be prepared to" donate money.
Remember, the LSAT is allowed to use slightly different wording to refer to the same essential concepts without being guilty of "shifting scope"! True scope shifts are where the
concept in play changes, not just the phrasing.
What do you think?