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Vinny Gambini
Vinny Gambini
Posts: 14
Joined: April 01st, 2011


by secretad22 Wed May 11, 2011 10:11 pm

I struggled with this question, I felt it was the toughest of the entire reading comprehension section for Preptest 34.

When I think of linchpin, I obviously think of something that holds everything else together. Without it, everything collapses.

I honestly struggled eliminating even one answer on this question. The correct answer is (E). I simply do not equate something being a linchpin to it being a central factor.
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Atticus Finch
Atticus Finch
Posts: 127
Joined: September 09th, 2012

Re: Q24

by griffin.811 Fri Feb 01, 2013 1:35 pm

Just did this section yesterday so it's fresh in my mind. Basically you were spot on in your assessment of the linchpin holding everything together. Usually if something holds everything together it is considered the central component, meaning, just as you said, that without it eveything would fall apart.

In a case like this where you are really stuck, try substituting each of the answer choices (quickly!) into the place of the word it should define, and see which makes the most sense.

In this case it was E.

Maybe a better example: Most people would agree that Kobe Bryant is the linchpin of the Lakers. When you take him out of the equation, the team has no chance of being successful. This in turn also makes him the CENTRAL component to that team.