sr Wrote:I got this one right - I understand why C is right. But I also thought A, and E were both necessary to be assumed as well.
A) If it were possible for microbiologists to recreate whatever the other species did for the community without the other species being present, then they would be able to isolate one species? Because the argument states that they cannot isolate one species because the other species are NECESSARY. However it is only assumed that they are necessary (and this answer choice is the necessary assumption).
E) This also needs to be assumed. If this was negated, the whole argument would fall apart because it would be possible to isolate one species.
I know that this question is asking for a sufficient assumption. However answer choice C cannot be sufficient to complete the argument if the argument. If C were stated in the argument, the conclusion would still not be properly formed (because there are huge holes in the argument because 'A' and 'E' are not stated.)
Alrighty then, guess since no one else is helping I'll have to help. I'm more than happy to
So, we have a sufficient assumption question here, and it has to allow the conclusion to be properly drawn. What is our conclusion? well its the last sentence.
Why is it not
A? Because this will not enable our conclusion to be properly drawn. Ok, so its impossible for microbio to reproduce system. so what. This will not allow us to say they lack complete knowledge of most microbe species. This may help a little with the Intermediate conclusion but not with our main conclusion. This doesn't allow us to conclude they lack complete knowledge. We are looking for an answer choice that allows us to make that statement. When doing sufficient assumption questions, focus on the conclusion. There is a big scope shift going on here in the argument, talking about communities of microbes and then jumping to microbiologist lacking complete knowledge.
Why is it not
similar reasons to why it isn't A. Moreso helps the intermediate conclusion but does not allow us to properly draw the main conclusion. We really have to focus on the main conclusion here for this question. E won't help us derive that conclusion. It just helps out the intermediate conclusion, which on its own has adequate support already.