Question Type:
Sufficient Assumption
Stimulus Breakdown:
Conclusion: All made-to-measure wigs should be dry-cleaned.
Evidence: Made-to-measure wigs are medium to expensive. If a wig has a handmade foundation, it uses human hair. If a wig contains human hair it shoulds be dry cleaned.
Answer Anticipation:
To solve for the missing idea in Sufficient Assumption, you usually start by looking at the terms in the conclusion: "made-to-measure wigs" and "should be dry-cleaned". To prove that claim, you generally need two ideas: Made-to-measure wigs are XYZ, and "If you're XYZ, you should be dry-cleaned". As we unpack what we know about "made-to-measure" and what we know about "should be dry cleaned", we see that made-to-measure takes us to 'medium to expensive'. And we see that 'handmade foundation' gets us all the way to 'should be dry cleaned'. So we're just missing an internal link from 'medium to expensive' to 'handmade foundation'.
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) Yes! "If medium to expensive, then handmade foundation". Now we can get all the way from "If made-to-measure, then should be dry cleaned".
(B) The ONLY thing we know about made-to-measure is that it's medium to expensive. If an answer choice doesn't extend what we can infer from 'medium to expensive', it's not going to go anywhere for us.
(C) Same as (B). This doesn't tell us anything more about made-to-measure wigs, since it doesn't connect up with 'medium to expensive'.
(D) This is just the backwards version of (A). We don't know if made-to-measure wigs have handmade foundations, so the way this rule is written, it doesn't tell us anything about made-to-measure wigs.
(E) Same as (B) and (C). There is no connection to "medium to expensive", so there's no way to apply this rule to made-to-measure wigs.
Takeaway/Pattern: People are sometimes annoyed/surprised that the first sentence is a useless conditional that does nothing for constructing the argument. Work backwards from the conclusion, so that you're only looking for the ideas that matter. Here, in order to get "Made to measure --> should be dry cleaned", we needed to get a link that would connect "Made to measure --> medium to expensive" with "handmade component --> human hair --> should be dry cleaned".