by Didius Falco Fri Aug 19, 2016 12:13 am
This one really got my goat. Fooled me during the exam into selecting (E). I am very curious for anyone’s opinions on good ways to clearly identify it as a false lead? To see why it caught me, I’ll go over my thinking quickly.
Noah’s quick elimination is that (E) has a term shift—from articles about ‘objective writing’ to articles about ‘persuasive writing’. Very respectfully, I’m not entirely sure I see that (or at least that I can see that with sufficient certitude to eliminate this answer preliminarily).
Passage A, in lines 7-11, strongly implies that good historical writing writing will be motivating an argument or point (interpretations being presented to explain facts; then judged by their success towards that end). Later, in 16-17, we see the importance of objective historians acting as a neutral judge. Of what exactly? It seems clear the answer is historical arguments, and their relative persuasiveness.
Passage B enters similar territory; devoting much of paragraph 2 and 3 to explaining why the exemplary form of historical argument is ‘powerful argument’, whose specialness is certainly wrapped up in its ability to leverage detached analysis (36) and clear understanding of opposing views (45-50) into a very convincing case for the historian’s position. A persuasive case.
I am certainly not arguing that passage A and B are centered around ‘persuasive argument’—they are both involved in discussing the role and nature of objectivity in the historian’s craft. But I think it is fair to say that they both strongly imply that objective historical argument is a form of persuasive writing. In fact, it seems to me that both historical writing and propaganda are persuasive—but the historical persuasion is grounded in the ideals of truth, accuracy, (see 4-6) etc….
This is why I was so tempted by (E). To my foolish brain, it seemed that that is exactly why propaganda was mentioned—in order to contrast a justified, ground, evidentiary form of persuasive argument with one which is implied to lack these traits (see 27-32; which implies that propaganda is deficit of the reality testing of history).
On review, I am drawn to seeing (D) as stronger not because of the term ‘persuasive writing’, but because of the words surrounding it. “Identify an extreme” seems to more clearly fit with the brief and fleeting uses of propaganda in lines (18) and (28) respectively than does “draw contrasts”. In my Lsat gut, “draw contrasts” just seems to substantial a role for the reference, when “identify an extreme” is sitting right over it. Particularly in 16-19, the idea of propaganda as an extreme seems to be developed (history-advocacy-propaganda). And nowhere is propaganda actually engaged as a substantial subject in its own right.; brief mentions are all presented.
But this is that instinctual knowledge acquired from having taken a great many reading sections, and is not incredibly satisfying (since it failed to present during the test itself…).
Does anyone have thoughts on this question? Think that I simply inferred to broadly during the test, and should have seen persuasive wiring as a jump from historical argument—and thus a quick and dirty term shift elimination?
(By the way, since I have never posted before, I wanted to thank all the experts and the community for their contributions here. Manhattan has the best material in the business, but this forum just may be more important for learning this test at that second, deeper level; at least for those who have been at it for a while.)