26. (A)
Question Type: Inference (26-34, 40-41)
For this inference question, the subject of the answer choices should clue you in to where to look in the passage for an answer. Every answer choice mentions "well-written" or "political." These issues are discussed in the third paragraph. There, we see that the radical critics insisted that "the formal aspects of a work were of secondary importance so long as its goal was good and its purpose clear." Dostoyevsky disagreed, believing that only "fully realized artistic works could fulfill their goals." We later learn that an "artistic" work need only be well written. Thus, only a work that was well-written could actually serve a particular political view, as (A) says.
(B) flips everything around. Dostoyevsky believed that aesthetic conerns should have primacy over intentional concerns. So a work had to be well written before it could serve any other purpose.
(C) also confuses the language of the passage. While Dostoyevsky would almost certainly have agreed that some works of literature that were primarily concerned with serving a particular political view were not well written (because they took a political stand at the expense of formal artistry), he never said that all badly written works were political in nature.
(D) goes too far. Dostoyevsky said that a book could not be successful at delivering a political message unless it succeeded first as a work of art. But that would not mean that artistry and politics had to be exclusive.
(E) makes the same mistake as (D). Dostoyevsky argued that if a book did not succeed formally, it was by definition a failure (even as a piece of political commentary). But if a book succeeded on the formal level, it could also succeed as political commentary.