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Vinny Gambini
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by john.as.camacho Mon Aug 04, 2014 8:26 pm

I am uncertain about question 28. Here is what I have.

I reread the quote, "at the peak of Luminist development in the 1850s and 1860s, spiritualism in America was extremely widespread."

The author later goes on to say that it was also true, however, that the 1850s and 1860s were a time of trade expansion.

(A) Eliminated because "dominant mode of painting" is unsupported.
(B) Eliminated because it's false. Lane was not interested in spiritualism.
(C) Unsure.
(D) Eliminated because "explain why the development of Luminism is coincided" is unsupported.
(E) Unsure.

Is it because spiritualism is the wrong way to understand Luminism?
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Atticus Finch
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Re: Q28

by maryadkins Fri Aug 08, 2014 2:42 pm

Yes! You are almost there!

So you're totally right on A, B, and D.

So C suggests that what the critic is saying is what the author agrees with, which is about the primary influence on Luminists. But does the author agree with this critic? No! As you note, the next sentence explains as much.

E gets at this idea—the author thinks the critic is wrong, not right.
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Re: Q28

by asafezrati Thu Feb 26, 2015 1:53 pm

I understand the verdicts for all of the answer choices except for D.

I'll give it a another shot:
answer choice D is something that DOES happen in those lines - the author shows that Lumi and Spiritualism coincided only because that Expansion (which aided the development of Lumi) happened to occur (by mere chance!) at the same time as Spiritualism.

But that isn't the author's purpose in building this whole logic thingy. The purpose is to severe the connection between Lumi and Spiritualism (the common misconception).

So in short: D is something that the author does, in order to prove E (the purpose).

Am I correct in this?
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Vinny Gambini
Vinny Gambini
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Re: Q28

by oyxy1111 Tue Aug 18, 2015 8:44 am

asafezrati Wrote:I understand the verdicts for all of the answer choices except for D.

I'll give it a another shot:
answer choice D is something that DOES happen in those lines - the author shows that Lumi and Spiritualism coincided only because that Expansion (which aided the development of Lumi) happened to occur (by mere chance!) at the same time as Spiritualism.

But that isn't the author's purpose in building this whole logic thingy. The purpose is to severe the connection between Lumi and Spiritualism (the common misconception).

So in short: D is something that the author does, in order to prove E (the purpose).

Am I correct in this?

You may misunderstand what an explaination means. Happening at the same time is not an explain. It's more like a statement of the fact. The author doesn't offer an explanation for this coincidence in the passage.