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Vinny Gambini
Vinny Gambini
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Q3 - Although water in deep aquifiers

by khaleesiwantstodolaw Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:32 am

I'm having trouble with this question.

I was deciding between A and D for this question and picked A. I understand why D is correct but can somebody please help me understand why A is wrong? Is it because D is clearly mentioned in the stimulus whereas A is not and is kind of a stretch?
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Re: Q3 - Although water in deep aquifiers

by ohthatpatrick Thu Mar 14, 2013 1:57 am

You wrote:
Is it because D is clearly mentioned in the stimulus whereas A is not and is kind of a stretch ?

Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! :)

This is an Inference question. Don't over-think what it wants out of you. It's just testing you on what you read, not any speculations we might read into the facts we read.

What the correct answer almost always requires of us is that we synthesize two of the facts we were given.

1 - water in all muni's met the regional govt.'s standards for cleanliness
2 - some of the water had less bacterial contamination than other water (which means that some of the water had at least some bacterial contamination)
Choice (D)

== other answers ==
(A) No information is given about how muni's make their "initial decision" about whether to use chlorine.

This choice also doesn't fit the facts well. All 50 muni's were drawing water from the same water source, the same deep aquifer.

If they were all deciding whether or not to chlorinate based on the water source, then how come 30 decided YES and 20 decided NO?

The water source was the same for all 50, yet the decision to chlorinate went different ways.

(B) "any" bacteria of "any" kind is way too extreme.

(C) "the best choice" is way too extreme.

(E) "least effective" is way too extreme.

Hope this helps.