Question Type:
Necessary Assumption
Stimulus Breakdown:
The only thing rock music had going for it was cool cover art. Since music is now distributed digitally, rock music has nothing going for it.
Answer Anticipation:
In order to get to the conclusion, the author needs to establish that there is no longer cool art distributed with the LPs. They can no longer have cover art (since albums aren't a thing), but maybe the digital delivery still includes cool art in some manner. That possibility has to be ruled out for this argument to work.
Correct answer:
Answer choice analysis:
(A) Bingo. If we negate this - Digital music is distributed with cool art - it kills the argument, as rock music still has this digitally distributed artwork going for it.
(B) Opposite. If this is true, then rock music does have something still going for it.
(C) Out of scope. Limiting the cool art to rock music has no impact on the argument since a genre of music can have something going for it that is also a benefit of another genre.
(D) Out of scope/opposite. This answer doesn't state that rock LPs are still released. Even if they are, this hurts the conclusion, since the cool-art rock albums would have something going for them.
(E) Out of scope comparison. Even if it was just as musically bankrupt and socially destructive, the argument still works. It doesn't need to be more so.
When an argument talks about one change (here, the switch to digital), make sure that it establishes that the other relevant things change (here, the art).