by tommywallach Mon Apr 08, 2013 4:34 pm
Hey ChocolateBunny,
This question asks about the period before the mid-twentieth century. This is described in the first three paragraphs, but most succinctly in the first:
"...because this area of territorial dominion was so limited, most nations did not establish rules for management or protection of their territorial waters."
(A) CORRECT. The passage says that nations did little to protect even their territorial waters, so they would certainly not do anything about international waters.
(B) The reason cited for the lack of interest in territorial waters is because the dominion was so limited, not because there were plenty of resources in international waters.
(C) Again, the quoted portion says that nations did not protect either waters.
(D) This is way too general. We know nothing about nations' authority over their respective citizenries. We only know about things related to authority over coastal systems/international waters.
(E) The passage never says that countries could extend their dominion farther than three miles from their shoreline.
Hope that helps!