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Atticus Finch
Atticus Finch
Posts: 227
Joined: March 05th, 2015

Q3 - When workers do not find their assignments challenging

by uhdang Wed Apr 15, 2015 9:59 pm

This is a Flaw Question.

Here is the Core:

When not challenging, workers become bored and achieve less + When too difficult, workers give up and achieve less
no worker’s full potential will ever be realized.

@ The author is assuming that there are only two ways that workers find the assignment, either not challenging or too challenging. What if workers find the assignment just perfectly suitable? And maybe even if it is challenging, if they get together as a team, they might get a synergy effect which might be much more than their full potentials combined? This is a False Dilemma flaw where the question falsely assumes that there are only two options to choose from.

===== Here are the answer analyses =====

A) This argument is clearly distinguishing what is actual and what is possible. First half of the argument is talking about the actual less achievement that workers go through, and the last conclusion talks about the potential, or possibilities.
B) Bingo. False Dilemma. Just as we discussed above. Correct
C) No distinction between subjective and objective evidence present.
D) No mistaken cause and effect occurs.
E) No ambiguity of a key term present here.