Sure thing! I've drawn out the master diagram and diagrams for question 4 in this document:
Once Q4 tells us we've got K Friday AM, we know that K can no longer go with J. That forces J to be with Q - J in AM and Q in PM. Hence the JQ chunk in my Q4 diagram. Once I figure that out, I'm thinking "OK, who's left? R, N and S. What do we know about them? R goes in PM with S or N in AM. That leaves the other one, N or S, to go Fri PM." Hence the N/S option in the Fri PM slot.
Answer choice A places the JQ chunk on Thursday. That's fine, as long long as N goes with K on Friday. That leaves SR on Wednesday. It works!
Choice B places N on Thursday PM, forcing JQ into Wed. That fills up the PM slots, leaving nowhere for R to go legally. Eliminate!
Choice E places S on Wednesday PM, which doesn't leave room for Q and R, who both need to be PM as well. Eliminate!
Hope this helps! Let me know if I can clarify anything in the diagram for you!