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by nancyhappygirl Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:24 am

Could you please explain question 4 & 5 for me?
For question 4, I really don't know whether i should pick up C or E, they look so similar.
For question 5, i even don't know why the right answer is right.
Thanks a lot.
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Atticus Finch
Atticus Finch
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Re: Q4

by noah Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:38 pm

In question four, we;re asked to identify one view of a lawyer's role. The lines referenced portray the lawyer as serving as a well-trained mouthpiece for the defendant.

(A) is tempting, however there's no reference to representing the defendant! (A) suggests it's all about the lawyer's relationship with the jury.

(B) has nothing to do with representing the defandant!

(C) is correct, since the lawyer is representing the defandant and doing it as well as he or she can.

(D) is contradicted - this is the other viewpoint in the passage.

(E) is tempting since we probably like "energetic" in the answer - however the lawyer is supposed to be energetic about defending the client, not energetic about defending the client's right to be represented.

Question 5 is explained in its own thread.