by dontmesswmeow Sat Aug 27, 2016 5:25 am
I understand where you're coming from---because I was also the one who was wondering that while I got the right diagramming and therefore, the right members in car 1 right off the bat.
The only thing I missed was understanding the question stem----
By quickly reading the question stem, I thought that the question is asking who is the DRIVER---and it is not.
Because the driver will be K, I chose K and it is wrong and so I couldn't understand why just like you couldn't.
It was just that we got everything right but the last wording of the Q stem!!
The question is asking the third person in the car!!!! ruling out Faith and the driver.
It is not asking who is the driver while we mistook the question for asking who's the driver.
Hope it was the case for ya as well.