by rinagoldfield Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:51 pm
Using a process of elimination is a great way to attack hard RC questions.
Support for (A) is scattered throughout the passage. The strongest support comes in lines 50-52: "Rather than forcing their personal histories to conform to existing generic parameters, these writers have revolutionized the genre of autobiography."
In other words, these writers refused to follow the traditional form for autobiographies. Instead, they integrated elements of other genres into their works. The passage describes how these autobiographers mixed genres in lines 18-21: "...the generically mixed structures of the works, which combine essays, sketches, short stories, poems, and journal entries..."
The passage offers further support for (A) when it describes the individual autobiographies. It tells us, for example, that Andzaldua "[juxtaposes] narrative sequences and poetry," that Moranga "departs from chronological ordering" and that the Moraleses "experiment with literary structure" (lines 25, 32, and 45). All of these examples indicate inter-genre mixing.
(B), (C), (D), and (E) are all unsupported. (C) is tempting, but while all of the authors "address the politics of multiple cultural identities," they don’t analyze the way their cultural heritages impact the content of their works.