Question Type:
Sufficient Assumption
Stimulus Breakdown:
~Unified voice → ~Effective
Members have already stated their opinions
Answer Anticipation:
A common pattern on easier Sufficient Assumption questions! A conditional is given, and the argument concludes the necessary condition. In order to get to that conclusion, the author has to establish that the sufficient condition (the "trigger") has come to pass.
Here, there's a gap between the sufficient condition (~UV) and the given (multiple people speaking). The correct answer will connect those two: If multiple people have spoken out with their own opinions, then there is not a unified voice. The contrapositive would also serve as a correct answer.
Correct answer:
Answer choice analysis:
(A) Out of scope. The argument doesn't care about a commitment to being effective; it cares about a unified voice.
(B) Out of scope. The conclusion has nothing to do with what the media should and should not do.
(C) Bingo! This answer is the contrapositive of what was predicted above, but it connects the members speaking out with having a unified voice.
(D) Out of scope. Public speculation doesn't factor into this argument.
(E) Out of scope. The argument cares about the commission speaking with a unified voice; what happened before they formed the commission is not relevant.
When a conditional is given in a Sufficient Assumption question, be careful about term shifts between the triggering condition and the given.