song_lily Wrote:Hi. That was a good breakdown of the stimulus and the answers. However, I am still confused why answer E cannot be a correct choice. I interpreted answer E as saying that the argument overlooks the possibility that a person's in interest in one kind of thing (Hana's brothers' plan/interest to give Hana a recording) is compatible with that person's interest in a different kind of thing (Hana's brothers' not wanting to give Hana that recording after all). So in the end, Hana's brother might not choose to give Hana the recording as a gift; therefore, the argument is flawed to base its conclusion that the brothers must have been present on the fact that the recording was present.
Can anyone tell me what am I missing here? Thank you.
I thought this was also a confusing answer choice. However, I think that there is really only one interest being discussed here (Hana's interest in having her brothers there). I just don't see anywhere else we can fit in alternative interests. What other interest would this be that her interest in having her brothers there is compatible?
I would love some criticism on this answer choice too. Either way, (A) does not deal with the core of the argument. We are concerned with the brothers wanting to give her the tape and being at the party
(B) is wrong because it is concluded that the brothers were at the party but we don't actually know if this is true.
(C) Can someone explain what the heck this means anyway? (D) We know that the brothers wanted to give her that recording. This is true. We know that the "brothers" would be the only "some people" in this argument. That is true. However, couldn't it be true that
other people gave Hana this recording? Thus, the answer choice fails to say why what is true for the brothers is ONLY true for the brothers. I crossed this out as an automatic elimination yet I didn't have anything good to work with with the other choices. I learned my lesson...vague language is not always bad language.
As I said, I just don't see how this can be right but I would love some insight on this too!