I was down to C and E for this one and incorrectly chose C.
The stim says size of group and distance travelled is correlated to diet, which in large part, depends on animals' face and teeth. I didn't choose E because it states size of face and teeth would help to determine if it was a herd animal but from the stim, we only know the size of the group, not whether it was a herd animal or not. As I type this, I see why E would be correct, but I'll write out why I chose C anyway...
I chose C because of the word likely in there. If tooth is down then that affects diet, which is correlated to distance, so lost tooth could slow down an an animal. Is C not the answer because distance =/= speed? And also, it's too big of a jump because there could be something else that determines who is in the back of the herd, like maybe the strongest animals in the back to protect the herd or the oldest...
It sucks to get wrong answers so early on in the section