coco.wu1993 Wrote:Is A wrong because crops may fail?
I eliminated B because, per line 44-46, hard-surfaced roads were used to transport produce from farm to market, rather than directly to customers. Please help

That's absolutely one reason why the members might not be guaranteed to get the produce they want! But there could be a host of other reasons too - maybe the farmers grow only what the *majority* of the members want, and don't fulfill every desire. Or maybe the farmers just have to grow what works with the soil, member preferences be darned.
The more important takeaway here is that there is
absolutely no support in the passage for the idea that the advance payment would
guarantee that the members get the produce they way. We don't need to tax ourselves coming up with all the ways (or any particular way) that might not occur. If there's no direct support
FOR (A), then we cannot choose it.
As for
(B), when it says "to their customers", I don't think we have to read that quite so literally as to suggest that the farmers bring it directly to the doorstep of each individual customer. So, let's take the citation from the passage - "farm-to-market" - why would a farmer be bringing his produce to a market?
Because that's where the customers are!So bringing produce to market IS bringing it to the customer - because the customer is going to be at the market!
Does that helps clear this up a bit?