by WaltGrace1983 Sat Apr 12, 2014 4:46 pm
Agreed ^
In these MBT questions, sometimes just one word can make it completely wrong.
(A) "wide variety" - actually, they just need to be able to imagine sheep. That's it!
(B) "Normally" - maybe they only have a difficult time sleeping every 432 days. This is definitely not "normally" having a difficult time sleeping but the technique for sleep induction could still be effective.
(C) is right because, if we were to negate it, the hypothesis would fall apart: "thoughts of sheep would keep the person awake." If this technique (used for trying to help sleep) would actually keep the person awake, how can the technique be "an effective method of inducing sleep." It is completely counter-intutive! This is why (C) is right.
(D) "Whenever" - as noted above, it doesn't have to be whenever. It doesn't even need to be EVERY time someone does this when trying to SLEEP. To be effective, it just needs to be effective at a certain time, not whenever.
(E) "Dreams" - we don't need to know anything about dreams. We are talking about going to sleep; we don't care about what happens after sleep happens