by giladedelman Thu Jul 07, 2011 2:07 pm
Thanks for the follow-up.
You're right that trying out answer choices is slow and should be avoided as much as possible. But I think there are better ways to deal with this game.
Let's look at number 8. This is an unconditional "must be false" question. On these unconditionals, remember our mindset: defer judgment. Instead of trying out each answer choice, let's defer on ones that don't seem obviously correct, with the knowledge that most of the time the right answer will be pretty easy to spot.
In this case,
(A) - looks fine, defer.
(B) - looks fine, defer.
(C) - aha! This can't work, because we know from our setup that each window must have either P or O. So G and R, with nothing else, violates that rule. This is our answer.
Now, on the conditional questions, our mindset is to follow the inference chain all the way. Let's look at number 10, for example:
The complete color combo in one window is P, R, O. So we start with
1: P R O
2: G P ?
3: ?
Okay, now we know we have to have Y somewhere. It can't go in 1 or 2 (I assigned the windows arbitrary numbers just for my sanity), so it has to go in 3. And if Y is there, P also has to be there:
1: P R O
2: G P ?
3: Y P ?
And since we know we need two R's, one of those question marks will be an R:
1: P R O
2: G P R/
3: Y P /R
Okay, we've followed the inference chain about as far as we can. Now let's take a look at the answers. What could be the complete combo in one of the other windows?
(A) doesn't work; the window with G also has to have P.
(B) looks good: window 2 could have O in addition to G and P.
(C) is out, we need P and G/Y.
(D) is out because we still need G or Y.
(E) is incorrect because the window with G needs to have P.
So (B) is the only one that works; that's the correct answer.
Does that help at all? With the unconditional question, we deferred judgment until we found an answer that clearly violated a rule. On the conditional question, we inferred everything we could before looking at the answer choices.