I received a question about #9 and I wanted to post my technique for answering this question.
This is a local question asking us for what could be true.
We are given the additional information of 2 windows having exactly 2 colors.
We are asked what could be the 2 colors in one of those windows.
Well, either the GP block is in this combination of exactly 2 or it is not.
I show this in this local diagram:
I also know from the rules that each glass must contain at least one of P and O. I will eliminate any answer choice that violates this constraint. And I will also be on the lookout for things like Y being with either G or O.
I am able to eliminate A and D for violating the ~P ---> O rule.
I am down to B, C, E.
You could choose to plug in these answer choices and see if you can make a hypothetical work, as this is just a could be true question stem.
I will go with my initial local diagram and make inferences.
I will go with my first frame, the one with GP being part of the 2 color glass group. This will require that R be present in both of the 2nd and 3rd windows.
One of these windows must contain exactly 2 slots. I also know that each window contains at least one of P/O. This means that the third window in my setup must contain the Y, which would require the P. I know that at least one of P/O must be present in each window, thus Y must be with P since Y precludes O (and G).
This completes the third window. No other options can happen. I have not placed the O definitely, which means that I must change that dual option from O/P to an O. Every color must be used at least once.
So this does show us that R and O can be one of those windows with exactly 2 colors in them.
That was the frame concerning GP being included in the idea of 2 windows having exactly 2 colors.
The other frame will show GP not being included in the idea of 2 windows having exactly 2 colors.
This idea requires that the other 2 windows have exactly 2 windows.
We also know that at least one of these windows must contain an R.
We don't know as of right now whether the R would go in the 3rd window or the 1st with the GP block. That is until we consider where Y can do. It cannot go in block 2, as we know we are really placed a YP block. The only place it can go is window 3, so that is where it must go since all colors must be used at least once. I also know that the other variable in window 2 must be one of P/O due to the rules.
This will now force the other R into window 1.
That is what is certain for this scenario.
We can have O be in window 1. If O is not in window 1, then window 2 must contain the O rather than the dual option, as each color must be used at least once.